
SaaS Product Development

By mid-2012, cloud technologies overtook traditional software, sparking a revolution in IT product development. This shift not only dominates 2022 but is poised to shape digital trends for the next decade. Ready to transform your business with a SaaS product? Let the Unico team lead the way!

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SaaS Product Development


Our SaaS model offers everything from scalability and cost efficiency to automatic updates and universal access, freeing you to innovate while we manage the technical details.

01 Modularity

Functions and systems are connected by platform tools and require minimal adjustments.

02 Adaptability

Central management allows for swift changes in the structure or purpose of the IT solution.

03 Accessibility

Cloud hosting guarantees optimal system performance and rapid server communication.

04 Cross-platform Compatibility

SaaS products, primarily web-based, are also adaptable for Android/iOS deployment.

05 Efficiency

Operations are supported by dedicated server resources, which can be scaled up as needed.

06 Automatic Updates

Thanks to our centralized platform, all users benefit from simultaneous security, feature, and tool updates.


Idea To Reality

Developing a product, regardless of complexity, demands thorough preparation due to high stakes. Success hinges on a strategic approach to ensure profitable SaaS platform-based IT solutions.

01 Analysis

Risk and investment return must be evaluated before development, achievable through market analysis, competitor success review, and overall viability assessment. If your idea stands out, proceed to the next phase.

02 Planning

Beyond basic concepts or MVP considerations, planning includes a detailed roadmap for market entry and resource scaling.

03 Prototyping

Testing your concept with a primary or functional prototype assesses market demand and development prospects.

04 Development

SaaS web development integrates back-end and front-end work with business architecture, module deployment, and external service integration.

05 Testing

Pre-release testing of the SaaS product is crucial, focusing on comprehensive and unit tests to ensure reliability and availability.

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Idea To Reality


From corporate systems to ERP, CRM, WMS, PIM, and beyond, a SaaS web application development strategy must be tailored to work specifics, user scenarios, and audience needs for an enhanced interaction experience. Early development stages should prioritize these aspects.

01 Usability

A critical factor for any digital solution is ensuring intuitive user control and process management.

02 Scalability

The foundation of digital product growth considers the development platform's industry relevance and scalability.

03 Availability

Ensure stable communication and ample hosting to manage traffic loads, enhancing system resilience and capacity.

04 Performance

Optimized systems deliver swift interface responses and efficient query processing, offering users a robust tool.

05 Cross-platform

Aim for broad platform coverage, developing custom software across iOS, Android, and the web to engage a wider audience.

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At our foundation, we are dedicated to nurturing successful partnerships. Our collaboration is the cornerstone of achieving remarkable results, underscoring our dedication at every milestone.

Aleksandr Kholin




Ready to assist, Unico is your partner for success.


Founder, CEO

As a highly experienced business leader, I have a proven track record of establishing and leading high-performing teams. I have also created innovative policies and procedures to promote success and growth.


SaaS Product Development