
How We Work

We craft software solutions at the heart of our operation, initiating from your visionary ideas. Our comprehensive suite of services spans the entire product development lifecycle, from conception and design to deployment and delivery to your users. We are committed to realizing your distinctive vision and overcoming any complexity.

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How We Work

Models Of Cooperation

In the dynamic sphere of web development, the essence of success lies in effective collaboration. Regardless of the project's scale or intricacy, we are devoted to achieving excellence through integrated development approaches.

01 Cooperation Model

  • Project outsourcing
  • Team extension
  • Dedicated development team

02 Pricing Model

  • Fixed Price
  • Time & material
    (Per specialist hourly billing)
  • Monthly retainer

03 Resource Utilization

  • Rate for long term projects,
    full time or close to full time
  • Rate for short term projects,
    part time & on demand
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Models Of Cooperation

Project Outsourcing

We engage in a project execution model characterized by meticulousness, aligning perfectly with client requirements to ensure smooth project completion. This model includes daily management and assembling of the project team, all under our expert supervision.

01 Fixed price and T&M

We undertake projects based on client specifications, guaranteeing their successful completion. Here, the day-to-day project management and team composition fall under our responsibility. Project Outsourcing is available in Fixed-price and T&M pricing models.

02 The Fixed Price model

Ideal for clients with a pre-approved, unchangeable budget for the whole project. Typically, this applies to smaller projects with defined functionalities, where financial risks of underestimations are borne by us, including a risk margin in our estimates.

03 Time & Material pricing model

This model suits projects where determining the final cost upfront is challenging. Projects are divided into tasks, with our project manager advising on priority, complexity, execution methods, and cost estimates.

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Project Outsourcing


We empower leading organizations and tech startups to outpace their competition by providing highly skilled software engineers. Our expertise lies in optimally delivering solutions and fostering enduring client partnerships.

01 Quick start

Need a specific expert like a designer or developer? We swiftly match the perfect IT professional to your project, enabling swift, cost-efficient project initiation.

02 Extensive software development Capabilities

Our team extension model mitigates the skill gap and introduces cutting-edge technology to your projects. We offer seasoned specialists adept in creating new business applications and enhancing existing systems, adhering to the highest quality standards.

03 Reliability

Our dedicated software development teams aim for long-term success and collaboration, offering scalability by integrating the right professionals from our team into your projects at any time.

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Development Team

Our dedicated software development teams are curated for their expertise, communication skills, and alignment with your business culture. They immerse themselves in your business processes, adopting your objectives as their own and supporting you throughout the project duration.

Effective management and communication are essential, making this model ideal for long-term projects with flexible requirements or significant internal initiatives where local talent is scarce or costly.

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Development Team


This section addresses your most common questions, providing clear, concise answers. Explore our FAQs for insights and guidance as you delve into our services.

01Why Hire A Team/Individual Specialist On Staff?

To save time finding the right worker, reduce financial costs, and get qualified help.

02How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Dedicated Team?

The price depends on the geography, a specialist's skills, and the project's complexity. The average cost of a team is $35/hour, and the work of a hired specialist is about $50/hour.

03How Long Does It Take To Build Software?

It all depends on the type of IT product, its functionality, platform, server part, design, etc. For example, small apps with minimal functionality are developed in 3-4 months. Large CRM systems and software for business – from 6 months.

04How Does Software Improvement Happen?

The refinement process depends on the level of development of the existing product and its functions. Our team will research your software, identify "weaknesses," and select the necessary tools. Then, guided by your business needs, we will make the necessary changes.



Ready to assist, Unico is your partner for success.


Founder, CEO

As a highly experienced business leader, I have a proven track record of establishing and leading high-performing teams. I have also created innovative policies and procedures to promote success and growth.


How We Work